22 definitions by doc brown

Crunchy twisted corn snacks made in Australia by the Smiths Snackfood Company. Twisties have been around for decades and have become an Australian institution much like Vegemite.

Traditional Twisties come in two flavours - the ever popular cheese flavour, and the try-hard chicken flavour. Recently Smiths have tried to leverage the Twisties brand by releasing Twisties Cheese-O's, a blatant rip-off of Cheezels produced by rival company Arnotts, and Twisties Zig-Zags. But nothing compares to the original taste of Cheese Twisties.
by doc brown June 3, 2007
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The toilet water that splashes up on to your bum when you do a crap, accompanied by a 'plop' sound.
I just did a crap and had major blobsplash. Lucky there was a towel handy.
by doc brown October 1, 2007
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Expression of shock or disappointment.

Australian colloquialism made popular by the character Ted Bullpitt in the 70's sitcom "Kingswood Country".

(synonym) "D'oh!"
Pickle me grandmother !! The wog's just crashed into the Kingswood !!
by doc brown September 23, 2007
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Verb. (Australian country colloquialism) To pause or rest; take a break from an arduous or mundane task.
Hey Al, you've been drying those dishes for a while now. You wanna blow?
by doc brown September 1, 2007
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Verb. To remove a prawn's digestive system during the shell peeling process.

A prawn (or shrimp) will normally shit itself when it realises it has just been thrown into boiling water or on a barbecue. Therefore after the prawn is cooked, and you peel off the shell, you will find a string of black stuff running down its back. This can be easily removed by digging the index finger in just behind its head, grabbing the black string-like thing and pulling down towards the tail. This is commonly known as "depooping".
Hey, did you depoop this prawn? I see black stuff !!
by doc brown June 6, 2007
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The tendency for overweight females to be surly, moody, nasty and bitchy, thereby rendering them even more unattractive than what they physically are.
"Hey Joe, what's with Michelle? She won't talk to me. I don't care that she's fat and all."

"Mate, it's a classic case of Fat Chick Syndrome."
by doc brown August 26, 2009
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