5 definitions by djv

When you embarass, defeat, and/or humiliate your opponent in a game of Basketball.

(Used often in slang terminology on basketball courts)
::John and Phillip play a game of basketball and John wins 15 to 2::

John:Damn, you just got balled you up.
by djv July 14, 2005
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The root "word" of several kthx* phrases. (such as kthxbye and kthxdie) Commonly used in IRC chats to express sarcastic lameness, implying that you're having to step down to talking "their" language when addressing a lamer.
<User1> kthxrtfmplz
<llama> KTHXSTFU
* Op has banned *llama*@*
* llama has been kicked from #example by Op (plzdiekthxbye)
by djv January 20, 2003
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hellafast is pretty damned quick. It's not as fast as stupidfast, but it'll still smoke things that are just "fast". e.g., ASDL is hellafast, compared to a 56K modem.
Man, this rig is hellafast. It beats the hell outta my dual celly rig.
by djv January 20, 2003
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Shortened form of "Faggot Motherf*cker", intended to infer that the person in question not only takes it in the pooper himself, but also gives it to his mom in the fudgetunnel. Very derragatory, much more so than "ghey"
<l0534r> HHA I JUST PINGED SOEMONE AT 127.0..01!!!1 L000L!
<User0101> Dear Jebus, some op please kickban this fagmo!
by djv January 19, 2003
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