4 definitions by derekistan

A spell in World of Warcraft, and not - explicitly - anything Kairi says it is.
Austin does not have a lot of Chaotic Energy. He's not even level 98 yet.
by derekistan November 11, 2019
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Exclamation affirming a spirit of camaraderie in snack-form
P1: Who ate all the Chicken in a Biscuit?

P2 - P9: Chusken Buskets!
by derekistan November 25, 2019
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A shortened pronunciation and spelling of "jack off" for the lad or lady on the go.
"I gotta go joff, won't be a minute."
"We got enough peeps for a circle joff, bois??"
by derekistan April 24, 2023
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Imperative: "go suck a cock" or "fuck off," always said in a terrible British Accent while holding up two fingers with palm facing towards self and back of hand towards the target of your ire.
P1: "Did you do your homework?"
P2: "Oy, oy! Nancy Drew!"
by derekistan September 28, 2021
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