4 definitions by demondg1


Crazy; off the hook; booty rockin' everywhere; nuts; abnormal; Ty Conklin, crunk
Gary: "I remember in the Stanley Cup finals in 1995-96, Florida was absolutely bizonkers."
by demondg1 November 4, 2008
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Man, that Umbel sure does love his sauerkraut.
by demondg1 May 31, 2005
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manu ginobili

Basketball term for when an individual finishes a game with more fouls than points scored.
Alfred: Momo, you tore it up out there today.
Momo: Damn straight. Triple double.
Alfred: Man, Bebop sure did suck out there today.
Momo: Word. Dude up an got a manu ginobili.
by demondg1 June 11, 2007
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Wash your ass

1. a concluding remark or gesture at parting - often used interjectionally
2. a taking of leave
3. goodye
4. see you later
John S.: I'm Out of here.
Mike R.: Wash your ass.
by demondg1 August 6, 2010
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