23 definitions by deb

The name of the dance performed by American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino.
a dance that combines intricate dance steps and leg movements.
by deb May 27, 2004
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The Used is an awesome band that hails from Oram, Utah. Their mellodic songs are enhanced by Bert McCraken's (lead singer) ability to scream to perfection.
I f!@#$ing love The Used
by deb November 2, 2004
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Australian caloquialism for pillian riding on a bicycle. A double.
kid 1 "I'm riding to the shops"

kid 2 "give me a dink?"
by deb June 11, 2004
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Only one of the hottest guys alive. Seen in Young Hercules, Breaker High, Murder by Numbers, Remember the Titans, The Notebook.
Ryan Gosling, hubba hubba!
by deb January 11, 2005
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Order of the Sloth.

A group founded in approximately 2002 which is dedicated to slowing down and enjoying life in the slow lane. Their motto is that work is you VSP or Vacation Sponsership Program and that life is about enjoying not collecting things.
Rob, a member of OOS went on a two week cruise.
by deb March 9, 2005
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local Hawaiian for "kind"
Eh brah, dis stuff is da bes' kine!
by deb January 28, 2004
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