16 definitions by darkmillennia

An important part of the Constitution that isn't literally written in said document. It's implied, under the reasoning that since we have freedom of religion, any leaning on the government's part toward any one religion would force everyone to only be a part of that religion, and violate their constitutional rights.
We need separation of church and state. Very badly. Especially with Dubya in office.
by darkmillennia September 5, 2003
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George Orwell's book "1984" successfully predicted the state of the world today. If there's hope, it lies in the proles.
by darkmillennia August 16, 2003
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A character from the Street Fighter video games. Crazy-ass kung fu bitch whose sole purpose in life is to stick her size 9 boot far up M. Bison's ass.
And so the Lord said unto thee: "Chun Li! Thou shalt lay the royal smackdown on M. Bison's bitch ass." And Chun Li did beat the shit out of M. Bison, and it was good, and the people rejoiced.
Chun Li 3:16
by darkmillennia August 26, 2003
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What? Link bitchslapped Ganondorf for the umpteenth time today? KEG PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!!
by darkmillennia August 16, 2003
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A fucking idiot who spends his days getting the shit kicked out of him by a rabbit and a duck.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! That fucking rabbit stole Elmer Fudd's shotgun and shoved it up the stupid fucker's ass for the seventeenth time today!
by darkmillennia August 16, 2003
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Name of that stupid blonde girl from the Inspector Gadget cartoons who gets kidnapped every single damn day. Her dog, Brain, always seems to come to her rescue. The lucky bitch is also the proud owner of a tablet PC, disguised as an encyclopedia.
My theory is that Penny secretly fucks the dog, but doesn't want to let her uncle--her dog's boyfriend--know about it. She's not a fan of incestual threesomes.
by darkmillennia September 29, 2003
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A state of mind that everyone in the world is trapped in except for kids and teenagers, hippies, protestors, old people, and anyone who ever bothered to follow their dreams(and succeeded).
If being bitter and complacent is what it means to grow up, then let me stay immature forever.
by darkmillennia August 25, 2003
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