4 definitions by dani6661

A case of whining and bitching about swine flu, but can be used to describe anyone whining like a little bitch.
Person one: "I'm so scared of swine flu1!!!1!111one!"
Person two: "Bitch, you got a case of whine flu."
by dani6661 May 3, 2009
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The true name for the band Metro Station, due to the fact that their lead singer, Trace Cyrus, looks like a horse.
"I don't think it's a good idea to have a brain damaged horse as a house pet." - Lois Griffin, Family Guy.

Guy 1: That dude in Metro Station is fug.
Guy 2: Ikr? That's why I call them Metro Stable. He looks like a horse.
by dani6661 June 5, 2009
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A phrased coined on INO by me.

It's a portmaneau or "tits or gtfo" and "sit the fuck down, from the infamous scene on the 2002 Muse DVD Hullabaloo
Person 1: "you dick!"
Person 2: "tits or stfd."
by dani6661 April 30, 2009
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The act of being on twitter whilst on the Wii Fit, but can be used for twittering while playing anything on the Wii.
"I'm Wii twitting, man."
"I'm on twitter whilst I'm on the Wii Fit."
by dani6661 May 23, 2009
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