8 definitions by christian luyando

when u stick your thumb in a girls pussy and your index finger in the ass hole and squeeze the skin in between.
crop,cropper or the copper: a technique used in the moment of heat, or to just say for fun: girl if you dont calm your ass down im going to give you the cropper,or ima crop your ass.
by christian luyando December 31, 2009
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that girl will fuck anything with a dick which makes her a scut.it can also be used with the additive "bucket" meaning to the max.you worthless bitch you aint nothing but a scut bucket.
by christian luyando December 31, 2009
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Getting super sidetracked which usually happens as a side effect when smoking methamphetamines. Deviating, going off path.
My bad I took so long at Wal Mart the ice got a nigga going squirrelly. I swear I read every label in the damn store.
by christian luyando March 15, 2019
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The lack or inability to have any attention span whatsoever.
I bet little Billy learned nothing in today's school lesson, boy looked as if he was chasing squirrels the whole time.
by christian luyando March 15, 2019
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