22 definitions by cap'n awesome

A place that does not actually exist, but if it did would provide an immediate solution.

After a heavy dilema is presented, or a period of silence falls, it is appropriate to call out, "Quick! To the futureshop!!" The idea is that the solution will be within the futureshop!!

The two exclaimation points are totally required, even if it isn't the last word in the sentence.
Guy: Crap, I can't find my hat.
Guy2: Quick! To the futureshop!!

Guy: Hey guys, what's new.
Guy2: Absolutely nothing man. We even tried cleaning out the futureshop!! but even that couldn't break this boredom.
by cap'n awesome April 27, 2005
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1) (n) A silky-smooth combination of sugar, milk, eggs, and flour baked at 375 for thirty minutes. Covered in frosting and given to beautiful people.
2) (n) A prize; something valuable won by a group.
3. (v) To own.
4. (adj) Weak.
5. (n) Stuff. Used in conjunction with the word "my." "stuff" and "cake" are interchangable.
6. (N) A band. Indie kids like them.
7. (v) to leave, only appropriate as a command and followed by the word "off."
1. My mommy made me a cake :)
2. Oh man, don't even think you're keeping that cake, not the whole hundred bucks. I think about twenty to each of us sounds about fair.
3. ...so he was drivin' past me and I was like, nah, fool, I'ma cake yo ass!
4. Dude, you sleep with her T-shirt? You are such a little pansy! Oh snap, how whipped. That's seriously cake, dude.
5. Stop rummaging through my cake, jerk! Do I need to lock up everything I own?
6. I was gonna go see Cake at Buzzfest, but they were playing with LostProphets. I decided it'd be more fun to eat my own soul.
7. Son, you best cake off. Betta walk right out that door.
by cap'n awesome May 13, 2005
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Short for "Captain"

Can be accompanied with Awesome.
Crunchitize me, Cap'n!
by cap'n awesome May 3, 2005
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An "award" given to people who contribute the most to the evolution of humanity by removing their genes from the gene pool. Sometimes given to people who simply sterilize themselves, but most of the recipiants have ended up dead because of their actions.

Basically, the concept is that people kill/injure themselves to the point where reproduction is no longer possible whilst doing something surrealistically stupid. By insuring that their stupid genes to not spread, they ultimately help humanity and thus recieve an award.

While the concept is funny enough, the actual awards are usually very mean spirited.
by cap'n awesome May 17, 2005
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Full of awe, or could inspire enough awe to fill. Dispite sounding like awful, it means quite the opposite.
Guy: I just made a submission to urbandictionary.com!
Guy2:Dude, that's aweful!
by cap'n awesome April 26, 2005
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Not refering to anybody named Steve.

"Do a steve" is a request, asking a person to "do a Steve." To "do a Steve" is to preform an action, not nessecarily a logical or possible action. Most any responce to "do a Steve" is appropriate.

The request usually occurs after a moment of silence or upon greeting.
*doorbell rings*
Guy: Oh hey, man, sup? Come on in.
Guy2: Sup man, do a Steve.
Guy: *grabs ankle*
by cap'n awesome April 26, 2005
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A white woman who acts like a black man.

Yes they exist.
...then this little white ho starts scratchin' her ass! I'm all like "Damn, gwigger!"
by cap'n awesome May 2, 2005
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