8 definitions by calaburrito

when everything in your life at the time is all tangled up and you need to straighten everything out and gather your thoughts
You: Omg, i have work at 2, a date at 6, pay my bills by tomorow, pick my car up at the shop, im going away in two days, havent talked to my mom for 3 months, my phone is broke. im low on gas and i have a headache with a doctors appointment im running late for.

Friend: Damn dude, seems like you need to stop and un-pretzel you hectic life, perhaps chill out and smoke some weed.
by calaburrito July 8, 2009
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I Am Breaking Up With You. Used to break up with a boyfriend/girlfriend via text message. commonly used with a ":)" to lighten the mood
(Texting) You: IABUWY

(Texting) Girlfriend: what does that mean?

(Texting) You: I am breaking up with you :)
by calaburrito June 29, 2009
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a person who used to be saved in your contacts list in your cell phone but you dont like them anymore so you deleted them from your contacts list
You: Oh, look some number texted me but its not saved in my phone so idk who it is.

Friend: Maybe its one of your ex contacts, you better not text back it could be your ex girlfriend or another one of your ex contacts

You: Good point... i'll just ignore it
by calaburrito July 2, 2009
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when 2 people engage in sexual intercourse in a Taco Bell parkinglot while eating a Crunchwrap supreme and uses the crunchwrap to ejaculate on or to clean up the mess.
Sal: "Hey wanna bang in my truck in the Taco Bell parking lot?"
Rachel: "Oh for sure, you know how much of a slam hog I am"
Sal: "I don't have a condom so let me hit raw and ill just blow a cum-buster supreme onto my crunchwrap, you can eat it after if you want..."
Racehl: "Hells yea! i love cum, and crunchwraps!"
by calaburrito December 16, 2009
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a headache one gets after watching one of the Fred videos (annoying squeeking voice kid) on youtube.
Nicole: Lets watch the new Fred video!

Nick: Ahh alright, but afterwards im probably gonna get a fredache from his squeeking annoyingness!
by calaburrito July 20, 2009
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when a guy or girl are always on myspace to see what their boyfriend or girlfriends myspace says and gets either pissed and/or any other feelings just because of something on someones myspace page
Steve: Dude i got rid of my top friends list on myspace now my girlfriend is mad at me cuz she not on the list

Scoot: Yea she sounds kinda crazy and myspace oriented to me, probably time to break up before some girl comments your picture and she gets jealous
by calaburrito July 11, 2009
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when you first wake up and your body is still tired and you can not do the simplest of things like unscrew the toothpaste or open the jelly jar.
Dave: Idk why i have so much trouble opening the milk gallon in the morning for cereal, i can never seem to do it.

Tim: Thats cuz you still have morning strength from not being awake long enough, its ok Dave, it happens to the best of us.
by calaburrito July 11, 2009
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