312 definitions by but for

CHARNAME (n.) — The combination of "character" and "name". The name of a character in a narrative, such as, Fred Flintstone, Barney Rubble, Batman, Mary Poppins, Tarzan, Buggs Bunny, Dr. No, James Bond, Spock, Captain Kirk, etc.
By giving a character a name that sounds like something, the writer can hint at or emphasize a character's trait(s). Character names (charnames) let writers say things indirectly. A character's name can be political, sexy, musical, funny, or anything else, and accomplish any intended purpose. Any word can be a person's name, and any first name can be paired with any last name. A middle name can be one letter, as in "Johnny B. Good". Letters alone are also effective, as in "J.R.", or "U.R. Ugly" or "U.R. The Best" or "Dount B.A. Fool"—the possibilities are endless. The letters B (be), C (see), G (gee), O (oh), P (pee), R (are), U (you), and Y (why) sound like a word. Letters also sound like and remind people of things. For example, the letter X reminds people of sex, and is often used in brand names, as in "Exxon". "Spok" sounds like "spook", "spooky", or "spike". "Kirk", sounds like "quirk". "Poppins" says or hints at "pop in" or "pops in". "Colonel Klink" reminds people of "kink" or "kinky". Though individual members of audiences make certain subconscious connections between character's names and the things they imply, most people never ask themselves what might be behind, beneath, or connect to a character's name.
by but for March 26, 2019
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The scientific study of the tones individuals use to express a word.
Carlos was listening to Grand Funk Railroad play "The Loco-Motion" and was amazed by the singer's adroit use of tonality to each time he expressed a word or a few of them in succession convey a message or messages which were quite a little different, complimented, or reinforced the words he sang. He realized tonality was but has not been raised to the level of a science, and coined the term Tonality Science to go in that direction.
by but for October 24, 2017
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Error-free is a way to live, work, and play by doing what is necessary to not commit any errors.
Though one cannot always determine immediately after executing a specific action whether it was a success, a failure, or an error, time usually answers that question. Living error-free demands greater concentration and skill, is advantageous and well worth it.
by but for November 29, 2017
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The term encapsulates the fact that each individual's genetic quality is superior or inferior to other individual's and that each individual merits a specific rank on an imaginary 'genetic quality ladder' which is determined by numerous characteristics, such as their physical structure, appearance, intelligence, personality, talents, and abilities.
Thought the "Declaration of Independence (1776) states that "all men are created equal," those five words only mean that every human being is 'created' by means of sexual intercourse and that every American is entitled to the same legal rights. As everyone can see, each human being's genetic quality is superior or inferior to other's genetic quality. Even siblings possess different levels of genetic quality. Each individual's position on the "genetic quality hierarchy ladder" is determined by the quality and refinement of her or his physical features and by her or his level of intelligence, personality, and other talents and abilities. To scientifically determine an individual's 'overall genetic quality rating, different genetic characteristics are assigned a numerical value and added to determine an overall score. Anyone who denies that some human beings are genetically superior to others may have been fooled by other human beings, be attempting to fool others into thinking that is what she or he thinks, and/or may also be fooling themselves into thinking that everyone is genetically equal.
by but for October 15, 2017
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The years we live and the things we experience living them make us wise. They "wisdomize" us.
by but for September 29, 2020
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The way interacting with younger people—more so children—automatically and almost always unknowingly transmit their youth to older people.
Though I taught high school and college, I love teaching second graders so much because they are tender and interacting with them makes me feel so hopeful. I call interacting with younger people—specially children—youth transmission.
by but for December 24, 2017
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A method which takes the listener of a song back to when it was a hit.
Reality designer, Oulda Veyin, realized that listening to songs from her teenage years instantly took her brain and body back to those days and that the song time travel's effect lasted for days.
by but for October 24, 2017
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