13 definitions by bolillo loco

Main Entry: Machine Gunner
Function: Noun

1: One that fires a machine gun.

2: A person that tends to spray things.

3: The MOS for a machine gunner in the USMC is an 0331.

4: Somebody that uses fuck loads when only a dab is needed.

5: Anybody that does not believe in precision firing.
1: When Bob was in the military, he was a machine gunner

2: Watch out when you talk to Kathy, she's a machine gunner

3: Johnny was an 0331 in the Suck!

4: Gordie squeezed the mustard bottle so hard that he shot everybody. Carson exclaimed, "Dude you're a regular machine gunner ain't ya?"

5: Johnny comes home drunk and sprays the toilet with a huge drunk piss. Joe, looking at the urine all over the floor, exclaimed, "Holy dog shit Johnny, I knew you were an 0331 machine gunner in the Corps, but don't you think that you could have at least hit the shitter?" Johnny smiles and says, "I gave it a full belt!"
by bolillo loco December 26, 2009
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Function: verb
Etymology: American English colloquialism used by very young people trying to be cool.
Date: Late 1970s through the early 1980s

An expression used in disgust, annoyance, or wit to tell somebody to gab your penius and give one a hand job. Almost as universal as shit and fuck, but fell into disuse as quickly as it appeared.
Dork: Hey what's with the funny looking Vans man?
Cool: Dude, grip butch!
by bolillo loco December 25, 2009
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Main Entry: Relief Tube
Function: Noun
Etymology Modern English by adding relief and tube.
Date: 20th Century

A tube that is used to releive the pilot of an aircraft by inserting his naughty bits in the tube and thus relieving himself. The relief tube is a great pain and embarrassment saver for said pilot.
Pilot: Hey Mac, my relief tube is too short. Last flight I had to piss myself. Now I'm not only cold, but I also feel like a fuck stick.

Mechanic: Nah, just checked it, your relief tube is factory length.
by bolillo loco December 27, 2010
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Main Entry: Miss Tubby Tubby
Function: Noun
:A beast of an African American woman usually found in rundown sections of any city (AKA "The Ghetto").

TEETH: A Tubby has large gap between the two front teeth large enough to guage bricks.

LEGS AND FEET: Covered by stretch marks, Tubby legs are rife with cellulite around the hip and thigh area. The kankles are covered with Varicose veins, and the feet look white and powdery. The toe nails are yellowed and heavily infected with fungus.

SENSES:A Tubby is very adept at sensing who has money, and who is willing to mate. It has been rumored that during ovulation, a Tubby can sniff out a hoggin' male at over a mile.

SOCIAL BEHAVIOR:Tubbies are personable, but have been known to stomp Pimp skiny crack heads to death.

ATTIRE:4" fuck me heels, loud shirt, spandex shorts, and splash glitter on the face. The makeup used on the face is the spitting image of Mimi Bobeck.

REPRODUCTION:A Tubby will mate with any male large enough to throw her about in the bedroom, and any man small enough that she is able to strong arm.

HUNTING:May be legally taken, but it's strictly on a catch and release basis.

EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT:Since they will readily mate with anything, they have begun to spread into the suburbs. Serious attempts have been made via The Welfare Office to spay them. However, this has been met with strong Congressional opposition.
*Note, Tubby's lines will be written phonectically in bubonics.

1. Tubby: Dayhum why boy, yo shur got a nice ass
white boy: (no words, he just gives a quizzical stare.)
Tubby: Whahsh yo naymuh why boy?
White boy: Mike
Tubby: Oh Missa Mike yaw shaw are cute. You can call me Miss Tubby Tubby.
Whiteboy: (Thinks to self, hum, so they really do exist!)

2. White man riding with Tyrone:

white man: What the fuck is that? It's too short to be sasquatch!
Tyrone: Dat's Miss Tubby Tubby.
White boy: I've heard about those things, and man, they're as nasty as they say!
Tyrone: Yea, but she sho can fuck!

3. Tubby Tubby math.

Professor: When solving for X, what's the answer to the following equation? C2H5OH(X*Whiteboy) + 9 months = Miss Zubby Zubby (hint C2H5OH is alcohol in common language)

Student: X=Miss Tubby Tubby
by bolillo loco December 29, 2010
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Main Entry: Marine Boot
Function: To make salts angry because FNGs have two left feet.

:Hazing done to boot Marines by old salts. Impossible orders are barked at boot Marines instructing said boot to turn two on a task that they have no idea how to accomplish. The old salts extract a sick pleasure out of this because they've all gone through it. Sadly, it's not understood by the public and frowned upon, but the old salts have full empathy for said boots. The salts are doing it not only to break the monotony of a dull period, but to also make the boot a better Marine. It's much like weaning a baby off the bottle. It's not cruel, it's done so as to speed the baby's progress along. It's now time to eat hard food!
Sgt. Salt: Hey boot, get up to FDC and get me a box of Grid Squares! Quick!

Boot marine: Aye Aye Sir!

Sgt. Salt: Boot get back here

Boot Marine: Aye Aye Sir!

Sgt. Salt: I work for a living boot. I'm a Sgt. Don't ever call me sir again!

Boot Marine: Aye Aye sss... Aye Aye Sgt.!

Sgt. Salt: Boot, get up to TVM, and get some radial road wheels for the gun.

Boot Marine: Aye Aye Sgt.

Sgt. Salt: Boot, take this bowl of salad up to the Motor poll. It's Q 5/10s turn to feed the Gama Goat.

Boot Marine: Aye Aye Sgt.!

One minute later, laughter errupts from the bays of Motor T.

Sgt. Salt: Boot, get up to TVM and tell them that you need the key to the firing lock.
Boot Marine: Aye Aye Sgt.!

Later in field whilst laying the gun, Sgt. Salt instructs Boot Marine to grab the aiming posts so they can lay the gun. Boot Marine refuses thinking it's another game, so Sgt. Salt tells L/Cpl. Somewhat Salty to take the Boot Marine's place. Upon seeing that it wasn't a joke, Boot Marine Feels like he's left down his battery.

Sgt. Salt: Boot, it's ok, now get over there cause we need a T, R, double E as well.

Boot Marine: Aye Aye Sgt.!

And so on, and so on until Boot Marine becomes embittered at the world and wants to kill everything he sees!
by bolillo loco December 27, 2010
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1: Shit Man Damn (interjection)

Used to express a strong feeling of surprise, annoyance, or pleasure.

2: Shit Man Damn (noun)

Used to convey that something is a striking success.

3: Shit Man Damn (transitive verb)

Used to denote excitement, approval, or admiration of.
1: Upon seeing his best friend walk into the bar, Chris exclaimed, "Well Shit Man Damn!"

2: Joe: Did you get the job John? John: Shit Man Damn!

3: When I saw how big her fun bags were and how tiny her waiste was, I was Shit Man Damned!
by bolillo loco December 26, 2009
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