12 definitions by bob "a"

Having a shapely buttocks.

from the Greek:

Kalli - Beautiful or Shapely
Pyge - Buttocks pigu ???
his latest sculpture embodies the callipygian ideal
by bob "a" February 19, 2005
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FBI term for a search using permutations of names and initials:

John Edgar Hoover
John E. Hoover
John Hoover
J. Edgar Hoover
J. E. Hoover
J. Hoover
I did a 6-way on his name, but nothing popped up.
by bob "a" February 19, 2005
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A mondegreen (also sometimes spelled "mondagreen") is the accidental mishearing of a phrase in a poem, or song in such a way that it acquires a new, and usually humourous meaning.
In "The Death of Lady Mondegreen" from Harper's Magazine November 1954, the American writer Sylvia Wright coined it:

Ye Highlands and ye Lowlands,
Oh, where hae ye been?
They have slain the Earl of Murray,
And Lady Mondegreen.

actually, the line should have been:

And laid him on the green.
by bob "a" January 31, 2007
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Aluminum Foil Deflector Beenie
(An Effective, Low-Cost Solution To Combating Mind-Control) see also tinfoil hat
As I would be passing near Area 51, I went to WalMart and bought some Aluminum Foil with which to fashion an AFDB for all those in my car (including the pets).
by bob "a" February 18, 2005
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The "kill zone" on FBI shooting targets.

The relative probability of a kill was indicated by the letter "K" followed by a number from 1 to 5.

The bottle shaped area that included the heart, upper torso and head was labelled K5.
He reached for the gun, so I dropped the hammer on him and he was K5.
by bob "a" February 19, 2005
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