6 definitions by bo's

A prank performed at a fast food restaurant. After everone eats they fill their drinks and put all the trash and full drinks on one tray. One person carries tray to the trash and "falls" spilling everything everywhere. Act surprised, then leave without offering to clean.
Remember when Beau did that fall and got soda all over the cashier?
by bo's August 7, 2005
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Hitting an object very far.
I yakkaed the ball over the green.
Get Yakka!!!
by bo's August 7, 2005
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In golf when the ball goes more sideways then forward.
Beau is shank-master flex.
by bo's August 7, 2005
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A polite term for a slice in golf.
by bo's August 7, 2005
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the act of having rampant wild sex over and over again in a single night.
God sexfest '98 was bomb, my dick will be limp for a week.
by bo's August 7, 2005
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