5 definitions by black.apple

Slang for the online community of Myspace. It is used for TWO basic reasons:

1)A place for the sexually confused & kinky to find others of their kind, and chat in forums and groups to find other loners in their area to hook up with. An online 'sex search' site.

2)It is also used for networking, friends, and casual dating. Members will add anyone and everyone to their friends list, to boost their popularity. People will have 6439 online friends, and in reality, have only 3.

Christine Dolce, (known on myspace as Forbidden), was found here, and become the most popular member. She has appeared in Playboy because of gayspace- thus furthering the poor reputation of myspace to that of another lame way to get people looking at you.

Myspace is similar to all other online communities, like xanga, nexopia, facebook, and livejournal.

"I hate gayspace. Who the hell has 592 friends, from 87 different cities, anyways?"


"Look I'm so cool I have Jenna Jameson and Tu-Pac on my friends list on myspace!"
by black.apple November 10, 2006
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LG, or Little Girl, is that sausage-shaped child you see frequenting keggers and parties. She will claim to be 17, but her middle-school ID card shows otherwise. She uses her mom's push up bra to trick the men into believing she has boobs, and buys size 0 pants to trick the man into believing her babyfat is all gone- thus proving she is a woman. (Tip: Lift her shirt, you'll see where all the babyfat from her lower half went.)
Though she casually dates the seniors and graduates from her school, she'll fuck anyone twice her age for a hit of exctasy. She brings drama and chaos to each person she nears.

The LG stands proudly for her cause- which is rides to the liquor store for ciders and bacardi breezers, free pot, and popularity amongst her youngster friends.
She will put out to anyone older than her, to further boost her sense of self-worth and popularity.

Guy 1: "Dude, did you hear, half the school has Syphillis!"

Guy 2: "Yea. See that LG over there, making out with her friends? She started it."
by black.apple November 10, 2006
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Overview: Onset between 14-17, affects only females. It Is NOT the life-threatening disorder, but the girls craving sympathy and attention will claim it is. They will refer to their new diet as 'ana', to try and appear as though they fit into the cultural breed of fakes. They spend money on starbucks like it was calorie-free. Usually, they'll 'recover' or just forget, as soon as they've lost the 5 or 10 pounds before prom.

Warning signs: Extremely low comprehension level, joining pro-ana communities, showing sudden interest in Mary-Kate Olsen, and using sayings like 'stay strong', or 'WWMKD?' (what would mary kate do). They'll have a fear of getting fat (although they are blind to their already prominent handles and rolls.) They'll take pictures contorted at strange angles, sucking in their stomache to try and prove that they are really anorexic, and post them on their pro-ana boards.

Treatment: No treatment is possible to convince people suffering from wannarexia that they are not anorexic, unless the treatment includes brain replacement.

Girl: "omigod i didnt eat today and now i way 72 pounds, WWMKD? stay strong, ana luv!"


Girl 1: "This girl just told me she was anorexic, and might be hospitalized.. She doesn't look skinny at all though?"

Girl 2: "That girl just has wannarexia. She wears a size 0 and pretends that it fits, but she can't do up the zipper. And, she drinks a few venti starbucks frappucinos with extra sauce every day. What a loser."
by black.apple November 10, 2006
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Overview: Onset is usually between 14 and 17, and affects females 100% of the time over males. Wannarexia is NOT the life-threatening disorder, it is the self-diagnosed illness these young women commonly give themselves when they are wanting to lose some weight quickly, and very desperate in their search for attention and sympathy. They will refer to their new friend (or 'diet') as 'ana', giving a cutesy nickname to try and appear as though they fit into the cultural breed of fakers. They spend money on starbucks like it was calorie-free. But, usually, they will 'recover', or just forget, as soon as they've lost the 5 or 10 pounds before prom.

Warning signs: warning signs may include extremely low comprehension level, joining pro-ana communities, showing sudden interest in MaryKate Olsen, and using sayings like 'stay strong' or 'ana luv' or 'WWMKD?' (what would mary kate do). They will wear their fake disease proudly on their wrist in the form of a red string bracelet, and have a fear of getting fat, although they are blind to their already prominent handles and rolls. They will take pictures of themselves contorted at strange angles and sucking in their stomache to try and prove that yes, they are really anorexic, and post these on their pro-ana boards; and truly believe that anorexia is a lifestyle choice, not a disease.

Treatment: No treatment is possible to convince people suffering from wannarexia that they are not anorexic, unless the treatment includes brain replacement.
Girl: "omigod i didnt eat today and now i way 72 pounds, stay strong ana luv!"


Girl: "i will be like marykate. ana luvs u guys, stay strong girlies! think thin! thin is in! you can never be too rich or too thin! yay!"


Girl 1: "This girl just told me she was anorexic, and might be hospitalized.. She doesn't look skinny at all though?"

Girl 2: "That girl just has wannarexia. She wears a size 0 and pretends that it fits, though she can't do up the zipper, and drinks a few venti starbucks frappucino with extra caramel every day. What a loser."
by black.apple November 7, 2006
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Overview: Onset between 14-17, affects females 100% over males. Wannarexia is NOT the life-threatening disorder, it is the self-diagnosed illness young women give themselves when they want to lose weight quickly, and are desperate for attention and sympathy. They will refer to their new diet as 'ana', to try and appear as though they fit into the cultural breed of fakes. They spend money on starbucks like it was calorie-free. Usually, they'll 'recover', or just forget, as soon as they've lost the 5 or 10 pounds before prom.

Warning signs: May include extremely low comprehension level, joining pro-ana communities, showing sudden interest in MaryKate Olsen, and using sayings like 'stay strong', 'ana luv' or 'WWMKD?' (what would mary kate do). They'll prouldy show their fake illness by wearing a red bracelet; and have a fear of getting fat although they are blind to their already prominent handles and rolls. They'll take pictures of themselves contorted at strange angles and sucking in their stomache to try and prove that they are really anorexic, and post them on their pro-ana boards.

Treatment: No treatment is possible to convince people suffering from wannarexia that they are not anorexic, unless the treatment includes brain replacement.

Girl: "omigod i didnt eat today and now i way 72 pounds, WWMKD? stay strong, ana luv!"


Girl 1: "This girl just told me she was anorexic, and might be hospitalized.. She doesn't look skinny at all though?"

Girl 2: "That girl just has wannarexia. She wears a size 0 and pretends that it fits, but she can't do up the zipper. And, she drinks a few venti starbucks frappucinos with extra caramel every day. What a loser."
by black.apple November 10, 2006
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