29 definitions by baka kuso yaro

an add that shows up on the side of urban dictionary, showing alot of hot chicks in tees. one notable add is a hot chick black short shorts and a grey tee shirt that says "Warning: I am tripping on you",she has a horney and surprised expression on her face with her mouth partialy opened like as if shes saying "huh!?". she distract you from the tee shirt add and gives you an errection lasting for 2 hours
snorg Tees, the company that uses hot chicks that are too disctracting and make people focus on the chicks insted of there products
by baka kuso yaro April 9, 2011
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Owls. they are birds with apple shaped heads who goe "hoo Hoo!" hence the name hooters, they are birds of prey. Another notible feature is there big eyes and small beak. they are nocternal and like to come out at night.
Look at the hooters outside, its as if there are lookin into my very soul!
by baka kuso yaro April 9, 2011
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Mr.Jinks is an orange cat from an old 1958 hanna barbera cartoon called pixie and dixie,originaly apart of the huckleberry hound show segment. He wears a blue bow tie and often bullies the two mice he lives with (pixie and dixie). He has a famouse catchphrase " I hates you messes to pieces". Mr.Jinks has a funny way of talking often saying things like "youze guys" insted of "you guys". He has a similar role like tom from tom and jerry, but he has much more dialogue than tom dose.
Mr.Jinks " I hates you meeses to pieces!"
by baka kuso yaro April 12, 2011
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The fight between yoda and the old senetor/emperor guy from star wars episode 3.
at target there was a toy pack that included yoda,old guy and those white trooper guys with plastic armor called the squirmish of the senate pack.
by baka kuso yaro April 4, 2011
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a gas station/convinence store, that serves 99 cent burritos and corn dogs and other foods that are deep fried, often giving you explosive diarrhea or indegestion if consumed. if the diarrhea don't get you, the next time you go to the bathroom your ass will sting after you get done taking a shit, this can often last for even the next day
Carlos: "ey vato whats going on with you?"

Ector: " my fucking ass be stinging an i been having chorro all day!"

Carlos: "leme guess...you ate at stripes?!"

Ector: "yea! how did you know?"
by baka kuso yaro September 9, 2011
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Perez Hilton (Mario Lavandeira),Cuban american , blogger/ celeberty, he is a homosexual who refers himself as a queen. he blogs about gossip and about stardum and his life. he is annyoing and obnauxious. He discualified Miss California for saying that she dosent agree with gay marriage.in another insident he got punched by Will IAM's body guard for pestering Will IAM from black eye peas. he also guest stared in nicolodian's victorious show with victoria justice.
Perez Hilton is a duce and a prick and he is a disgrace to us cubans everywere
Perez Hilton= prick,ass hole jerk, anoying
by baka kuso yaro March 18, 2011
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john mccain the old fart, if he became president he would make a draft.
by baka kuso yaro April 9, 2011
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