29 definitions by bLaZeD

A backflip while moving forward, usually done off of one foot while running
a gainer is all about getting the balls to do it, its really not that hard.
by bLaZeD December 9, 2004
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what you do is a cricket on 1 hand so the other hand behind your back or something and then bounce in a circle.
a jackhammer look impossible
by bLaZeD December 9, 2004
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a crunch but with your legs behind you and balancing off of the ground
a hollowback is hard as fuck
by bLaZeD December 9, 2004
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this is a very tough breaker move! it looks like you are going for a '90, but instead of closing your legs you keep them wide open, like a "v". when you are in the handstand(with alot of speed) you through your legs 45 degreez further then your uperbody is, when you get to that, your uper body follows, and you through your upper body up, following your legs, , by then your upper body made a 360 degreez before your legs have.
cant really say an example
by bLaZeD December 9, 2004
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a breakers stall where your moving and suddenly stop like your frozen.
Airbaby is a dificult freeze.
by bLaZeD December 9, 2004
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a breakers variation of the 1990 where instead of spinning only on one hand you put your other hand over top of teh one spinning.
2000 is only mastered after the 1990
by bLaZeD December 7, 2004
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something that makes you laugh hysterically when blazed. it's usually not funny in a clear state of mind.
"yesterday i got lifted and watched jeopardy, that shit was highlarious"
by bLaZeD March 16, 2005
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