3 definitions by atkins

To call in sick to work because "Mum" deems it unsafe to go in that day.
I've worked really hard all week, I'm going to "Pull a Corky" and have the rest of the week off.
by atkins December 21, 2017
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A creature that resides in the vagina and attacks penis when inserted.
Known weaknesses: summer sausage, crisco
She had a snatchasaurous that I had to tame with crisco and summer sausage
by atkins March 3, 2008
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Modern day nazi's. They brainwash there followers using group hysteria, which Hitler used. They try to convert everything that moves by forcing people to beleive what they think. They consider themselves an army of god, ready to fight for his bidding.

They are also hypocrite's. E.G. Ted haggard , who is one of the pastor's at a mega church i colorado, paid a male prostitute to butt fuck him after condeming gays and homosexual activity. He asked forgiveness and was forgiven and "cured", but if any one else who wasnt evangelical did that they would not be forgiven ( like Bill Clinton).
by atkins March 19, 2007
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