4 definitions by asdf2012

Feedom means the right to use your powerful friends in Washington to approve your company's dangerous substance for human
consumption and make a fat bonus on the way out the door.
"Donald Rumsfeld had a lot of feedom pushing Aspartame!"
by asdf2012 November 16, 2013
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A situation in which nature calls for you to visit the bathroom, yet you cannot perform the act of defecation.

Typically, one simply sits on the toilet until giving up or the phone rings.
"After that spicy meal, I had to poop but I was just farfrompoopen!
by asdf2012 November 7, 2013
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The act of sombulism.

Engaging in sombulism.
"Poor Jimmy, all he knows is sombulism. He must be is such pain. I wish I could help him not sombulate so much."
by asdf2012 November 3, 2013
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Sombulism is the act of or habit of going through life or the day in an unenlightened or dulled state.

Meanings and Sites Consulted:

www drugs com/soma
Soma (carisoprodol) is used treat injuries and other painful muscle conditions.

en wikipedia org/wiki/Soma
Soma (Sanskrit सोम sóma), or Haoma (Avestan), from Proto-Indo-Iranian *sauma-, was a Vedic ritual drink1 of importance among the early Indo-Iranians, and the subsequent Vedic and greater Persian cultures. It is frequently mentioned in the Rigveda, whose Soma Mandala contains 114 hymns, many praising its energizing qualities.

omnilexica.com ?q=somnambulation
Somnambulation is defined as walking by a person who is asleep.

Why are links not allowed? I beleieve to be proof that the word has been researched. ty

Sombulism is the act of or habit of going through life or the day in an unenlightened or dulled state.
"Poor John, all he knows is sombulism. He much be so much pain always being like that. I wish I could help him so he would not sombulate as much.
by asdf2012 November 3, 2013
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