24 definitions by archyis

A generic and naive response to a technology problem which effectively takes the problem out of the realm of an organization's responsibility. This basically equates to outsourcing technology solutions which end up being inferior service for twice the cost.
Engineer - "We need $10,000 and another full time employee to re-engineer and manage this technology"
CIO - "We should just put it in the cloud"
Engineer - "What cloud?"
CIO - Looks around nervously..."The one there..." as he points to a picture of a cloud on the cover of his new CIO magazine.
Engineer - Returns to his cube where he promptly hangs himself with an ethernet cable.
by archyis August 28, 2009
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A combination of the words climate and primate to signify the primitive (primate like) views of the world climate situation. Instead of thinking for themselves, doing research or even investigating both sides of the story, these Cli-mates follow the new religion of environmentalism blindly based on falsified data from Climategate. Sadly, you cannot debate with Cli-mates about the issue despite various climate experts testifying that there is no “global warming”.
Jimmy - "Did you see that news story about how the scientists falsified data about global warming?" Timmy - "Yes, they are now calling it Climategate. It is a big conspiracy it seems. They are trying to create the biggest tax increase ever based on something that doesn't exist." Jimmy - "It is funny though how no U.S. media source is covering this. I only found it from a UK article online so all of the primitive minded people in US will still blindly follow the religion of environmentalism." Timmy - "Yep, those cli-mates will never change their views not matter what evidence is presented to them."
by archyis December 23, 2009
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1. When everything seems to be going wrong while listening to punk rock music.

2. When everything that can go wrong does while attneding a punk rock concert.
1. "How come everything going wrong right now" askes Clive. "You are listening to Pennywise right now so you are being affected by Dropkick Murphys Law" responds Mick.
by archyis March 17, 2009
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A person with excess body hair wearing only underwear usually resembling Michael J Fox from Teen Wolf. It is assumed that the Under-werewolf possesses special powers so they are generally feared.
"Dude, did you see the Under-werewolf in the locker room at the gym?" asked Bob.

"Yeah, I was scared for my life...I got out of there quick because I didn't feel like getting my face ripped off today." replied a trembling Steve.
by archyis July 31, 2009
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The horrible brown colored mucus that is discharged from an individual when they are ill or getting over an illness.
Friend 1 - How you feeling today buddy?

Friend 2 - Getting a little better...my body is cooking up some phlegm brulee right now so I am getting that shizz out of my system.
by archyis October 9, 2009
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The synergistic "Super-bug" that is spawned when an individual becomes infected with the influenza and pnemonia at the same time. This is more sinister than the dreaded bird and/or swine flu...and is more on-par with the fabled SuperFlu from the movie "The Stand".
Patient - Yo, I don't feel so good doc.
Doctor - Well I declare...you must have a case of the flu.

Patient - Yo, I feel worse now doc.
Doctor - For Pete's sake, it appears you now have pnemonia.
Patient - Does that mean I have Flumonia?
by archyis October 8, 2009
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A Charles Bronson like office vigilante that seeks to get even with a colleague in the office for slighting them.
Worker 1 - I can't believe he knocked stuff over at my cube, then got pissed about it and slammed stuff down. And then he just walks off without putting the stuff back.

Worker 2 - Dude, that is a jackass move. What are you going to do?

Worker 1 - Well, there will be a fair amount of cubicle justice, I can tell you that. I may take all of the screws out of his chair, tape raw fish up under his desk or perhaps stink palm his mouse.

Worker 2 - Hells Yaw, that would be hilarious yo!
by archyis November 6, 2009
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