3 definitions by amy jay

A scottish term for a female.
Postive connotation.
Usually an older people say it to youths.
"How you daein, hen?"
by amy jay July 12, 2005
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The time of the year when Britain celebrates the new year coming.
It involves lots of alcohol and kissing people you don't know.
Britain has it's own name for it.
It's basically New Years.
December 31st.
"I'm getting smashed for hogmanay? what about you?"
"I think i'm just going to stay at home this year.."
by amy jay July 12, 2005
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Something having eminence or supremacy in a given domain and personified as a woman.

Not to be confused with quean which is also a Scottish phrase for a young lady.
Paris is regarded as the queen of cities.
by amy jay July 12, 2005
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