10 definitions by alcifer

Preferred mode of transportation for Matt Gaetz (R-FL). Seen frequently around high school proms, malls, and other locations minors are present.
Matt Gaetz drove home from Washington in his chomo van so he could enjoy his favorite pastime of raping 13 year old girls at the mall in Pensacola.
by alcifer July 31, 2022
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Abbreviation of "alta kalet:, Yiddish for an old ass crotchety person. Commonly heard kvetching about how the youth of today have it so easy when the price of real estate is going through the roof, or that no one wants to work for 3 cents an hour, or that college was so easy to pay for back in 1971 that you could work a minimum wage job 5 hours a week and you were all set. News flash folks: the good old days are gone, and us millennials and Zers can't afford it anymore.
Here we go, another couple of AKers out on a Sunday drive on a Wednesday afternoon. *lays on horn*
by alcifer May 6, 2023
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What your local sports team sucks at.
Dude, I can't believe the Cardinals threw another interception. Their offense sucks ass.
by alcifer December 10, 2019
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