24 definitions by ad-92129

1) one who subscribes to foolish economic principles such as trickle-down and voodoo economics, reaganomics, pyramids, ponzi schemes, fuzzy math, and similar financial snake-oils.
The top 2% of the wealthiest people rely on the bottom 98% of economidiots to increase their riches.
by ad-92129 September 14, 2011
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The act of convincing a woman to try blue cheese for the first time. Extra credit if she is Asian!
She didn't like the smell, but eventually I popped her blue cheese cherry. Perhaps next she'll let me play in the back yard.
by ad-92129 September 20, 2012
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1. Grandiose mental retardation.
2. False pride exceeded only by one's ignorance or stupidity.
Archie Bunker, the character in the 1970's sit-com, "All In The Family" was a megalotard who boldly voiced his opinion about issues without having all the facts or fully understanding them.
by ad-92129 February 24, 2011
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1) One who is technically adept but otherwise quite stupid.

2) One who fancies himself a nerd but is actually technically inept.
The nerd-tard thinks a group of cellphones can pop popcorn.
by ad-92129 September 1, 2011
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1. A metropolis of retarded people.
2. A city where fuktards and retarblicans live.
The retarblican moved to tardopolis to be with the other dipshits.
by ad-92129 April 13, 2011
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A statement of rejection of the "insantiy defense" for those who commit homicide with a gun.

One does not carry a weapon without intention of using it!

Bowling for Columbine; Aching for Aurora.
James Holmes' legal defense team may present a not-guilty by reasons of insanity, but while emotion triggers the finger; intention brings the gun, and he brought more than one gun!
by ad-92129 August 8, 2012
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1. Mundane daily activity.
2. Routine that has become a rut.
The daily rutine made jack a dull boy.
by ad-92129 March 21, 2011
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