10 definitions by a. friend

(v) The act of squirreling away coveted objects, drugs, or paraphernalia while geeking. The subject often forgets where the items are stashed and destroys his habitat in search of the items.

(n) The specific subject prone to perform acts of a J-Squirrel or often caught Squirreling.

* See Also: Squirreling
1.) J-Squirrel geeked out last night, destroyed his camper looking for his stash not knowing he had consumed it all the day before.

2.) Yo, homie, Jim was up all night looking for where he stashed his drugs. What a J-squirrel.
by a. friend September 7, 2006
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n - {par-uht-sahyt} - A fervent follower of all things Jimmy Buffet. Typically a no life, middle-aged, pot-bellied, balding alcoholic that hangs around in karaoke bars singing (butchering) “Margaritaville” or “Cheeseburger in Paradise” to try and attract a mate only to end up going home alone and cross-dressing while his dog licks his legs.
John: Hey, you wanna come play poker that the Parrot Pub tonight?
Us: Nope, that place is too full of Parrotsites.
by a. friend June 7, 2007
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A successive chain of vomitting sparked by a preliminary vomit incident. Typically seen at high school or college frat parties; however, they can also exist outside of these natural habitats.
Hallie was so wasted last night she threw up all over Matt. After that, it turned in to a regular vomit rodeo.
by a. friend August 28, 2007
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