3 definitions by Zyvis X

Millennials, having grown up in End Stage Capitalism and having no real savings or hopes for Social Security payments, though having paid into it already for upto 20 years, expect that in their retirement years will see Capitalism finally collapse.
The Millennial expectation is that Mad Max and Idiocracy will hate fuck and have a baby, that baby is the Millennial Retirement Plan.
by Zyvis X November 20, 2022
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noun. A person, typically males of the Ken variety but of any background, that whines so much that you wish they had been just ejaculated onto carpet rather than into their mothers.
Person A: "That guy over there has been whining since we got here."
Person B: "Too bad his dad didn't pull out. We'd of been better off if that megadouche was just a carpetshot."
by Zyvis X May 27, 2021
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The 45th President of the United States of America, first openly Authoritarian President.

First and only President of the United States of America to be Impeached twice in one term.
Former US Presidents W. Bush, Obama, T****, Biden.

More news today, T**** has been indicted in Georgia for Racketeering.
by Zyvis X March 22, 2021
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