16 definitions by ZaiMatarese

Bring Your Sister

Former Presidnet Clinton's catchphrase. See also bring em on
by ZaiMatarese August 23, 2003
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Pokey Minch

An evil, chubby bastard, who's like is devoted to making Ness's a living nightmare. He became Giygas's lefthand man, and rode around in a spider-bot that farts.
by ZaiMatarese August 22, 2003
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Referring to someone who is a WereCreature in general, being a wolf or not.
The weres ganged up on helpless victims and killed them.
by ZaiMatarese August 22, 2003
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EarthBound Zero

The previously unreleased in America prequel to the Super Nintendo game, EarthBound.
EarthBound Zero isn't as advanced as EarthBound, but it's still good.
by ZaiMatarese August 22, 2003
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Author of above defination, and one of the coolest artists ever.
I've been a big fan of Killachu's art for some time now.
by ZaiMatarese August 17, 2004
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Best. Channel. EVER. Originally known as TNN, then "The New TNN".
SpikeTV's show, MXC, is the funniest show ever.
by ZaiMatarese August 22, 2003
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Strong Bad insults the English in this "lost e-mail".
by ZaiMatarese September 30, 2003
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