10 definitions by Zack Green

The fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.
Bananas are scary to xanthophobics.
by Zack Green September 6, 2004
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An obscure insult for white people who think they are black, similar to oreo, coconut, and banana. Comes from the fact that polar bears are covered in white fur but have black skin underneath that.
Hip hop is turning all the preps into polar bears.
by Zack Green August 19, 2004
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1. Commonly refers to an old fashioned Christian movement which was common into colonial times.

2. According to H. L. Mencken, "The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy."
Liberal people like me are extremely afraid of puritanism rising up.
by Zack Green August 19, 2004
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adj., A term commonly used to describe very cuddly, cute dogs, but can apply to any animal. Nobody is actually sure exactly what the meaning is, but it is generally agreed to mean something related to cute, huggable, and nice.
My dog is nice and small, and that makes her quite wuggly.
by Zack Green September 6, 2004
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A common name for the African horned melon which is actually a trademark of Pruint, Inc., a New Zealand based company. Much like "Zeppelin," "Frigidaire," "Victrolla," and "Kleenex," this trademarked name has been assimilated into the English language.
I tried to pick up the kiwano, but its spikes hurt me.
by Zack Green July 18, 2004
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A discussion board on video game forums in which people make claims about which gaming platform is better. Usually regarded as a haven for whiny, stupid people.
Check out what they're talking about in the system wars! What is wrong with these idiots?
by Zack Green July 13, 2004
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1. n., A fart-like noise acheived by placing the lips on human skin and blowing.

2. v., To perfom said action.
1. My mom wanted me to kiss her, but I decided to piss her off and give her a zerbert.

2. I was bored, so I zerberted myself on the arm.
by Zack Green September 6, 2004
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