12 definitions by ZIZZY

The not so popular but cool member of teen girl squad!
nothing is cool.

What's her face, you can go to a thrift store.
by ZIZZY September 27, 2003
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I'm listening to gorillaz' dracula song right now..wiered...
some of us will never sleep again
by ZIZZY September 12, 2003
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A video game controller, comes in all different types. Either that, or a Dick. lol..it's just an appropriate for it..
Hey I got a sidewinder joystick for christmas!

OR...That guy's joystick is looong...
by ZIZZY August 21, 2003
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something I will never understand and will never see the point of. And something that floods aim chat rooms with porn advertisers that can get on your nerves. Something that you can something that my 40 year old parents like to look at X_X
Shut up, porn bots!
by ZIZZY September 27, 2003
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Brown, lumpy, mushy, smelly, cone shaped object that comes right from the butt-y-hole. Sometimes blue, but only if you eat deep blue cotton candy. (And I reccomend you keep it in the toilet.)
Wow I had a biiiig poop last night!
by ZIZZY August 21, 2003
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THE BURNINATOR! he burns peasants and houses. And has a big arm. And he is in an S shape.

He is a dragon-man!
or he is just a DRAGON.
by ZIZZY September 27, 2003
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What whats-her-face says when she tries to pose with a possum on her leg.
by ZIZZY September 26, 2003
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