26 definitions by Yourmomsboyfriend

Free shit is something that you get for free without having to pay for it. Synonymous with just plain "free". Many people, however, get confused and think that some free shit is actually free just because they don't have to directly pay for it.
Example 1

Dude 1: This guy on street came up to me and gave me some free shit (pulls out a bag of weed)
Dude 2: Damn bro, just make sure its not laced with meth


Example 2:

Woke barista: Education and healthcare are human rights, man! Matter fact, everything should be free including food! Vote Bernie!

Based zoomer: No such thing as free shit, bro. Someone always ends up paying for it.
by Yourmomsboyfriend June 8, 2019
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an opposite of a gold digger. at an upscale party most women won't consider you even if you're good looking, unless you have money. most of them tramps are gold diggers. well, a dirt digger actually will fuck you even if you're just an average income guy.
guy1: dude, i was at the W hotel celebrity party last night.. there were some fine ass bitches there dude, i could tell some of them liked me, but i had no chance with them since i dont drive a lambo. so towards the end of the night i got lucky and actually took a girl home without using the roofies!

guy2: found yourself a dirt digger out of the whole crowd after all huh?

guy1: fuck yeah. she even licked my ass!
by Yourmomsboyfriend March 7, 2010
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to the contrary blief, a nigger steak is not chicken. it is rather a cheap, shit quality meat or piece of liver. the reson for it being called a nigger steak is because most black people were poor back in the day and couldn't afford prime grade meats to eat at dinners, so they resorted to a lower grade food such as liver or shit meat.
damn, are you cooking nigger steaks again? spend an extra 2 bucks per pound and get something decent for once.. fuuuuuck!!
by Yourmomsboyfriend March 10, 2010
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A frequent user and subscriber to r/ChapoTrapHouse - a commie/tankie subreddit vastly populated by edgy, pimple faced teens trying to be rebellious from the comfort of their middle class bedrooms. Chapocels are hardline Marxists and Stalinists who also vehemently support Bernie Sanders and can't meme to save their lives. Think that nature is oppressing them and everything should be free, including mandatory government allocated vagina.

The suffix -cel refers to incel - an involuntary celibate individual (usually male) that can't get laid even by paying hookers.

In short, a chapocel is a commie incel that has failed at life.
Bro 1: Hey look at these homeless crackheads on the corner protesting something

Bro 2: Nah bro, that's just a bunch of chapocels demanding free shit because they're too lazy to get a job
by Yourmomsboyfriend March 19, 2020
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slow food is the opposite of fast food. In other words a sit down restaurant of some sort or anything that is not McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Wendy's, KFC, Blimpie, etc.. You get the point.

coined by A. I. 10/22/2008
Bunch of people in the car:

Guy1: Man i'm starvin sons!
Guy2: Shit, me too! What you wanna eat?
Guy3: I'm down with whatever, how about some BK?
Guy4: Fuck that shit! I want some slow food for a change. Sit down and relax for a bit you know.
Guy2: Yeah I hear ya brotha. Lets go get some steaks at Mastro's.
by Yourmomsboyfriend June 8, 2019
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A cracker with a set of dangler testicles/ a very unsanitary nutsack/ a man with a low to no sperm count.
“That boys got some murky balls!”
by Yourmomsboyfriend March 23, 2023
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A term used by retarded ASU frat boys to call each other as a term of respect or endearment. Similar to boss or bro or man.
Frat tard 1: Whats up HOSS!!

Frat tard 2: Whats up HOSS!!!!!!
by Yourmomsboyfriend September 4, 2023
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