4 definitions by Your fav yogurt throat puncher

Charly Summer is hitting the gym tough lately. Have you seen that ass? They no longer use the word Callipygous. It is officially Charlypygous now.
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having a round shapely ass of a goddess. An adaptation of the word callipygian, when that word was not sufficient in describing the beauty of Sweetbuttocks' derriere.
Sweetbuttocks has been sexy for years. She has great tits, a beautiful smile and the ass of a sex goddess. Every girl wants to have that annapygian shape that makes all the guys stare and their girls jealous.
by Your fav yogurt throat puncher September 27, 2023
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Handnesia is when you owe a guy money, but you give him a handjob instead of paying him, so he "forgets" you haven't paid him
Didn't Kill owe you $40?
Yeah, but she gave me a handjob the other night and now I don't want to ask her for it because she'll think I'm cheap.
She got you with the old handnesia trick
by Your fav yogurt throat puncher November 6, 2023
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Becca balls is when a very sexy girl by the name of Becca flirts with you and gets you horny af only to scoot off into the night before you get any action. Similar to blue balls only way more painful.
Goddamn Becca, she Becca balls me again last night. She was telling me how she gives the wettest blowjobs and wants me to tie her up and have my way with her, but when I went to the bathroom to freshen up, she was gone before I got out.
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