5 definitions by Yoshiman69420

A whimsical and enchanting musical instrument with a slender, curved body and intricate patterns carved into its surface. It emits melodious and ethereal tones when played, evoking a sense of tranquility and joy.
She was learning the Pife in band.
by Yoshiman69420 May 19, 2023
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Dife (noun): A fictional creature or entity characterized by its elusive nature and shimmering appearance. It is said to inhabit hidden realms and possess the ability to bring good fortune and serendipitous encounters to those who catch a glimpse of it.
They came across the Dife in the forest
by Yoshiman69420 May 19, 2023
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Fean (noun): A mystical creature or spirit of a fox that is closely connected to nature and the elements. It is believed to dwell in secluded and serene environments such as forests, meadows, or bodies of water.
Me and bobby saw a fean while hunting fox.
by Yoshiman69420 May 19, 2023
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Someone's skin that is very pale and white.
Ryan is so Fane, He blends in with the snow.
by Yoshiman69420 May 19, 2023
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