4 definitions by YoBoiSurier
A very sexy ass guy, every girl loves him and wants to be his boo. He is very good looking and has a large penis. Every girl wants him!!!
by YoBoiSurier October 14, 2019
Oh yeah, sexy ass male. Has to be from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and has to be the sexiest guy alive. He is very handsome and is a chick magnet!!
Yo look at that Ansh!
by YoBoiSurier October 14, 2019
A very sexy good looking handsome guy. He is a chick magnet. Has to be from Canada and be born in India and live in Cakgary.
Yo look at that Ansh!
by YoBoiSurier October 14, 2019
Meaning someone’s head is replaced by an ass. This can be used to insult someone or be used in a sexual sense.
by YoBoiSurier October 14, 2019