3 definitions by YEETOS DORITOS

This word is commonly used for throwing objects at high speeds
Person 1: I can yeet something at high speeds
Me:oh yeah? *Yeets a can at the speed of light*
Person 1: :/
by YEETOS DORITOS October 14, 2020
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This word is commonly used for throwing objects at high speeds
Person 1: I can yeet something at high speeds
Me:oh yeah? *Yeets a can at the speed of light*
Person 1: :/
by YEETOS DORITOS October 14, 2020
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The John F. Kennedy of consoles. It was about to get good but sniped by the PS2
Person A: "Yo! Person B wanna play with the Dreamcast with me?"
Person B: "Nah. The PS2 is better."
Person A: "I agree."
by YEETOS DORITOS May 16, 2021
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