12 definitions by World of Wordcraft

When you download something on your iPhone/iPad you will see a circle and the progress is fast. It is the fool's circle. Then it restarts the circle and the progress is disappointingly slow.
Damn it it's done the fool's circle like 5 times!
by World of Wordcraft February 19, 2015
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1) A type of soda that gives you flatulence
2) A fairy tale creature
3) A misspelling of spirit
1) Get me some Sprite.
2) Get me some Sprite, sprite.
3) Get me some Sprite, sprite. Oh and don't forget to pop in the bar to get some sprite.
by World of Wordcraft February 16, 2015
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Being a pro at crapping to procrastinate.
Often used as an excuse at work to not work.
Going to the toilet and spending a lot of time there.
Guy: Imma go to the toilet to procrapinate because work sucks.
40 minutes later...
Guy: That's enough procrapination for today. *opens door* Oh crap it's the boss.
Boss: You have been in the toilet for a very long time! You're fired!
by World of Wordcraft June 24, 2016
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1) The first star system to be found containing intelligent creatures. The intelligent creatures are the Greys. They were more advanced than us and had been in space, traveling around in flying saucers and visiting systems. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here with all these cool gadgets and gizmos. They visited our ape ancestors at about 2.5 million years ago. The Greys abducted our ancestors and they probed them, then genetically modified them so that they will become intelligent creatures. Then the Greys visited Egypt 1,000 years ago. They claimed that they made this world. Then they went to a house and said to a couple that they are given strength to rule Egypt as pharaoh and queen. The same thing happened to other famous empires on Earth. They abducted two people about 100 years ago. They were probed and were given a mind map of the planets the Greys have visited. The two people were then interrogated by the police. One of them, Betty, drew a map of the systems the Greys had visited. It was until a few decades later, when an astronomer found out that it was real. He said that the Greys' homeworld is located in the system of Reticulum.

Guy: Do you believe in aliens?
Astronomer: Yes, and I have proof. Look into my telescope and you'll see Zeta Reticuli, the first star system to be found containing alien, intelligent life.
by World of Wordcraft October 4, 2014
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It's a new meme. Here's how it works:
1) Point at something and say “look at this thing”
2) Something unexpected happens
Matt: Look at this thing *points at sky*
*starts raining*

John: Look at this thing *points at wall*
*wall explodes*

Guy: Look at this thing *points at video*
Guy in video: Look at this thing *points at video in video*
Guy in video in video: Look at this thing *points at video in video in video*
by World of Wordcraft November 13, 2016
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