5 definitions by WonderedLamb256


A website maker. Why do you need one? Rose to fame along with others (mostly web builders and skill courses in YT, but varies in podcasts) because your favorite youtubers (usually a fun youtuber that gets ruined by this company) has started using squarespace. It’s like squarespace will eat your mom.
Video: This video is sponsored by Squarespace.
Some guy: *bashes head in computer*
by WonderedLamb256 August 18, 2018
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amazon gift card

Something that isn’t in 1000$ denominations, and isn’t for free, but scam websites like to say that you get these.
*browsing urban dictionary* *strange page loads* FREE AMAZON GIFT CARDS!!! 1000$!!!
me: nope.
by WonderedLamb256 August 12, 2018
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poopy pants

The most offensive thing a kindergartner can say.
Kindergartner: Poopy pants! Poopy pants!
Teen: Fuck off.
by WonderedLamb256 August 12, 2018
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Scented Cons

A Roblox place which is made for online dating and online sex. Often where ODers, pedophiles, and Roblox trolls meet. Often have scripts made to suppress the chat filter Roblox puts in place, and morphs which can add genitalia. There is an interface that can change sex positions. There may also be a Discord server linked to at the bottom of the screen. The name is a parody on the word consent. Other common names include "scent cons" and "con scented".
ODer: *pushes in harder* OH YEAH!!

ODer 2: 123 for sex!
Pedophile: Hey, any young girls want to meet up and play Roblox together? I can show you my MeepCity house!

Meanwhile, a sane person finds that scented cons game, joins it, leaves in disgust, and reports it to the Roblox admins.
by WonderedLamb256 June 23, 2020
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A scam website. It happens when you are browsing the Urban Dictionary on an iPhone. It says that you win a free Amazon gift card. Try to undo, you get another one which is just a spinner that looks like you get a free iPhone X, but you didn’t. Undo that, you get to some fake dating site. Undo that, you find more fake dating sites.
Boo! I hate hipstarclub! Shit on the owners!
by WonderedLamb256 August 10, 2018
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