If something is not only wrong mistaken, but also dumb to seriously consider in the first place.
A lot of views nowadays go out of their way to be not just wrong, but also dumb, they are dumbwrong.

A lot of arrogance about certain matters requires an ability to be dumb, and therefore to be almost automatically wrong. This is why it's not enough to say people are either dumb or wrong, they are dumbwrong.

Your contextually popular opinion about an entertainment franchise shows a certain wilful stupidity you somehow imagine to be clever. It shows you are not only automatically wrong, but dumbwrong.

You take some odd, arbitrary ideological views, apparently just to look cool and smart to a bunch of fellow idiots, but with an odd certainty and arrogance. You seem to find pleasure in being dumbwrong.
by WonderWumbo October 3, 2021
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