19 definitions by Wodderwick

When a woman sleeps with you because you bought her lunch.
TinderDude1: Hey I bought this slut lunch and she slept with me.
TinderDude2: She must be Planetrash.
by Wodderwick December 25, 2022
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When two chat celebs get so triggered that they talk about your kitchen renovation for nine months or more despite hating your guts.
WeeHoops: Kitchen, wee paige, kitchen, queer.
Paige: Oh he don't mean it.
Sane person: They have kitchen envy again.
by Wodderwick January 2, 2023
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Flappers of the 1920s were young women known for their energetic freedom, embracing a lifestyle viewed by many at the time as outrageous, immoral or downright dangerous.
Mavericker: NIPP you look like you belong in the 1920s.
Nipp: What do you mean?
Mavericker: You look like a FLAPPER GIRL.
by Wodderwick December 26, 2022
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One of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Hobbits.
Whoah who is that parading his 12 inch sub and stab wounds.
That's Aymos! Hobbits in a Tank Top!
by Wodderwick December 25, 2022
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A drunken Irish carpenter who used to be leeder of the IRA.
Person 1: LOL who made that wonky chest of drawers in your bedroom?
Person 2: Oh that was my Uncle AidyGraham.
Aidy Graham: Where you from?
by Wodderwick January 2, 2023
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When a big fat, usually gay man, with big moobs and a big mouth.
normal man: you are just all mouth and moobs
by Wodderwick January 30, 2021
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