83 definitions by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter

Used as a comparison to righteously downplay the purported wrongness of a non-criminal act when it's presented as criminal. It trivializes unnecessary hatred toward a deed.
What imminent global apocalypse will happen if I fart in public? If I had 300 million dollars I'd pay someone $20 everytime I caught them farting in public.

Is there an imminent global apocalypse that will occur if I stay up during the night while you sleep, provided that I am quiet?

No matter how hard Marx tried, he couldn't stop the imminent global apocalypse that happened when people smoked marijuana in the privacy of their own homes.
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One of the wonderful features of Cialis, to pitch a trouser tent long enough so a gerbil can sleep underneath. Four hour erections can lead to damage of the penis if you let it go longer. The reason why there's 6,000,000,000 people on this planet breeding and sodomizing each other like animals.
"erections lasting more than four hours should be treated by a doctor, or serious damage may result"

I took Cialis, got a four hour erection and went to the shelter and had sex with 16 partners.
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(from stay-at-home mom) A man-child who exhibits the following traits:
-does controlled substances
-never allows more than 900 seconds to pass between tobacco cigarettes (during the sleeping hours, he must get up at least twice during an 8 hour period to burn one)
-bums money off of his friends and never pays them back
-the inability to hold a job for more than 40 hours
-lives with his parents after the age of 30
-gets checks from the government and spends 75 percent or more on cigarettes, lottery, or alcohol
-spends endless hours instant messaging women to try to pick them up for romantic purposes
-when having a beverage at home, uses a fresh cup for each drink and never helps with just the dishes that he himself created
-attracts alcoholic friends like a rare earth neodymium magnet, especially one who modified himself (cutter) while under the influence
-never puts CDs/DVDs back in their cases...discs last an average of 48 hours before noticeable scratches form
-always looking for a handout
-performs deliberate premeditated installation of spyware onto the PC that is loaned to him / uninstalls Firefox in favor of Internet Explorer
-leaves cigarette burn lines (yes lines, not holes) in the carpet
-listens only to modern rap narratives and goth-death-metal and must listen to it at 80 dBa at 1 meter
-thinks every risk (like spending $20 on a single scratch ticket) will turn out rosy, no matter how far fetched
George Costanza has some of the traits of a stay-at-home son.
One of my legacy friends has all of the above traits of a stay-at-home son.
by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter December 24, 2007
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A movie that reinforces the point that Mel Gibson is a nut who craves human blood. Features include a baby getting dashed against the ground till its neck breaks, a man's father getting his throat cut by the ruthless savages quite audibly (you can hear the cartilage) in front of him while visible spurts of blood run down his shirtless chest, a native person coated in mud, and the sacrifices, three sacrifices I could count watching it in fast-forward mode. The victims are rubbed down with a blue paint, then slaughtered. That's three realistic looking human hearts exposed to daylight and drenched in gorgeous crimson blood. It's too bad the native doesn't take a huge bite out of the cardiac muscle--but you can't win 'em all. At least twice the head is chopped off (kinda hard to see) and it's quite visible that the Homo Sapien head is thrown down the pyramid staircase and caught in a basket. The headless corpse is then thrown down the stairs later.
That throat cutting scene in apocalypto is the most realistic gashing of the human neck you will see outside of Al-Quaeda.

The ratings philistines probably denied Mel Gibson an extra scene in apocalypto where someone eats the flesh off a living human using a knife so that the last thing the victim saw as he died was his own kind eating his raw muscle tissue.

Apocalypto's sacrifice mode suffers from the Hide Your Children trope. The aztecs, Incans, and Mayans all sacrificed young children occasionally before the tribes were conquered.
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To take a story that originally had a small bit of violence or bloodshed in it, and exaggerate it into a resplendent blood bath. Said because virtually all of Mel Gibson's movies have had gallons of blood with gruesome violence.
Murron to Braveheart:Today I fell off my skateboard and cut my knee on the pavement and a few drops of blood came out.
Braveheart to Murron's parents:Well she fell off her skateboard and severed a major artery and painted the pavement red, so I cut her throat with my fingernail and grabbed her by her feet and twirled her around to ensure good blood coverage.
Murron to Parents:Braveheart! Don't Gibsonize the story!
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1. A channel on cable TV where people engage in sexual intercourse in full frontal nudity on camera.
2. A chemical, usually powdered, that is used to mask bad cooking. If the cooking is good, it can make it godly with a lowercase g.
3. Plural of spouse. Word should only be used by cycle-accurate Mormons, naked natives in the rain-forest, and Abrahamic peoples before the days they tuned out God and went with only one spouse.
1. On the Spice channel there's Amazon natives smearing themselves in moist soil and having outdoor sex.
2. Cortez's overcooked toughened heart did not taste too good to the Aztec priest, so he reached for the spice.
3. We can have a spouse of the same sex, so why not spice?
by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter November 23, 2007
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The only magical cat you can get during Samhain. It's what you get when you cross a chamelion and a black cat. It has chromatophores in its fur which enable it to change to bright hues, including hot pink and day-glo green. Compare to horse of a different color.
In the Ozarks there's a electronics wizard that has a color cycling cat.
Deliah had a hard time finding her color cycling cat after she set down her hunting vest.
by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter November 23, 2007
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