6 definitions by Withered Rose

The longest word in the Oxford Dictionary. It is a lung disease that is caused by inhaling volcanic particles. (pronounced new-mow-no-ult-ra-mic-row-scop-ic-sil-iko-vol-cane-oh-cone-e-oh-sis)
Doctor: You're test results came back, you have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
Patient: Oh :(
by Withered Rose February 2, 2022
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Wow. Absolutely wow. You must be incredibly bored, most likely to the point of actual death. You must be THAT bored to do a little pattern of the entire keyboard backwards.
Student: *Bored*
Student: *types mbnvbcvxczljkhjghfgdfsdapiouiyutyrterweq into search bar*
Student: *Sees this definition*
Student: *Realizes how incredibly bored they are*
by Withered Rose February 2, 2022
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This is a period, this is commonly used to end sentences.
Fun fact: Its also the letter "E" in Morse Code.
Person 1: "."
Person 2"."

Person 1: "How do you end a sentence?"
Person 2: "With a period."
by Withered Rose April 10, 2022
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A Headcannon is a story (or really anything) that is added on to or changed in a persons mind. For example, in Undertale, someone may make up a story on how Papyrus joined the Royal guard, since this doesn't happen in-game, this makes it someone's headcannon. Headcannons usually aren't shared, but you can find headcannons of many things on many different social platforms.
Person 1: "That doesn't happen in the story."
Person 2: I know, its my personal headcannon.
by Withered Rose April 10, 2022
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It is a word that has many meanings, or a word that doesn't have a clear meaning.
Person 1: If you think about it, the word set has a lot of meanings.
Person 2: Well it's a sticker word, so it should have a lot of meanings.
by Withered Rose June 27, 2022
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Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic is a word that is meant to describe the spa waters in Bath, England. It isn't included in the oxford dictionary nor most other online dictionaries likely because of how specific it is and that it is only really used as an example of a long word.
by Withered Rose June 25, 2022
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