4 definitions by Wil L.

Awsome game that is very fun, and you can actually learn somthing while your playing. Game platforms are the PS2 and Xbox, made by komami (five times)
-Hey man i pwned the Wei armie with Zhugee Liang!
by Wil L. March 15, 2005
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ASCII art, also known as Keyboard art, it was started five years ago.

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-Hey man i like ASCII art!
by Wil L. March 24, 2005
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The only number that cant be related to sex.
Guy1-Hey, what does it mean to 632 someone?
Guy2-Nothing, its the only number that cant be related to sex?
Guy1-Time to go to urbandictionary and make my own definition of 632.....
30 minutes later.......

Word: 632

Definition and backround: To jam your penis, and two middle fingers in someones ass while having a midget fiddle with your balls.

Example: Guy1- Hey I just 632'ed someone!
by Wil L. April 1, 2005
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The 72nd number from zero.
guy1- Whats your favorite number?
by Wil L. March 30, 2005
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