22 definitions by Wendy Lane

The Buddhist belief that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa.
I have good karma.
by Wendy Lane May 23, 2003
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A pus-filled legion on one's body, due to buildup of dirt and bacteria in the pore.
by Wendy Lane May 23, 2003
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A word commonly used by small children or infants to describe a wound.
Mommy! I got an owie!
by Wendy Lane May 23, 2003
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A brand of herbal black licorice breath freshener and throat soother, originally produced in the late 1800s for speakers and performers.
Sen Sen is very strong...
by Wendy Lane May 23, 2003
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A mass of hard dead, dry skin cells found on your toe, very closely related to fingernails.
I have a magic toenail, i keep it on my foot, it keeps me nice and safe from harm when something goes kaplut.
by Wendy Lane May 23, 2003
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To deplete, to disinegrate, decapitate, to lose all excess and become essential.
I lay in my bed and waste away.
by Wendy Lane May 23, 2003
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