21 definitions by W3ird-X

Climb out when ready, referring to a person who decided to shut themselves in a bubble of self-hatred and oversensitivity.
by W3ird-X April 1, 2022
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Aggravation politics, a series of dirty political tactics that includes lying, fearmongering, smear campaigns, and hypocrisy.
He specialized in aggrepolitics while trying to win the election.
by W3ird-X March 31, 2022
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Happiness theory, a set of hypothetical beliefs that happiness and euphoria will be the cause of human conformity.
H theory is not New Age BS like other theories out there.
by W3ird-X November 8, 2021
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You're freaking me out.
Why can't you get that right now yfmo!?
by W3ird-X April 1, 2022
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Specialist paramilitary assault troops, a group of soldiers that specialize in secret military operations.
Here comes the S.P.A.T. and their General!
by W3ird-X April 1, 2022
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The transformation of the United States under President Joe Biden into a democracy or a dictatorship.
The Bidenfication has begun in the United States by "purifying" the Senate and Congress.
by W3ird-X April 3, 2022
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Please putdp as soon as you get this message!
by W3ird-X March 31, 2022
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