3 definitions by Very high 420

A coronavirus vaccine is known as a "freedom shot." People who get freedom shots gain immunity from the big 'rona and are free to roam this land. Despite fears of being injected tracking microchips from big tech CCP shill Bill Gates, freedom shots are widely accepted as they are the only way life can get back to normal again.
Boy: Hey wanna Netflix and Chill?
Girl: I can't my parents are over 65 and they are at risk of developing serious complications from COVID!
Boy: It's okay I got them freedom shots
Girl: okay
by Very high 420 November 23, 2020
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A coronavirus vaccine. Similar to how a light beer allows people to drink without getting drunk, a coronavirus vaccine allows the recipient to gain immunity from the corona without developing the associated disease.
Bruh I really should have gotten the corona light... now I have the corona extra from fucking jane!
by Very high 420 November 23, 2020
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Developer term for computer. Usually the one they are coding/deploying programs on
Junior Dev: It only works on my machine!
Manager: Then we’ll ship your machine
How Docker was born
by Very high 420 November 16, 2020
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