5 definitions by ValkoBlack
After hours and hours of work on the road, you return to your hotel room. The only repreive from the strenuous day is a hardcore masturbation sesh. You bust that first one like an oil gyzer. But the second one, that really hard-to-get one is what you're working for, like Rockefeller digging deep.
by ValkoBlack September 1, 2015
by ValkoBlack September 18, 2015
An unspoken contract to give/receive Red Bull's between two coworkers. Whenever one of them buys a Red Bull on their way to work, they will buy one for their coworker too.
There is no requirement for an equal amount of giving and receiving. The contract remains fair as long as it remains unspoken.
There is no requirement for an equal amount of giving and receiving. The contract remains fair as long as it remains unspoken.
by ValkoBlack November 20, 2016
An orgasm achieved by a man simply by flexing his pelvic floor muscles. This technique is typically employed discretely, ejaculating in one's pants.
by ValkoBlack November 4, 2015
by ValkoBlack May 4, 2014