6 definitions by Vab's Andy.

To indulge yourself in a particular friendship or relationship with someone.
I get along with my ex at the theater.
by Vab's Andy. May 18, 2020
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To be obnoxious, anxious, nd feels upset, distress for someone or somethin'...
Forty- Why'rew so pricky 'bout Will.
Love- I don't know...
by Vab's Andy. May 20, 2020
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1•To rub somethin' hard in order to clean it.

2•To search somethin' very cleverly and in the way of maneuver.

Scrub it hard on tht grey shirt I wanna wear tht in tomorrow meeting.

I'd scrub tht toy all around but not found it yet..
by Vab's Andy. May 23, 2020
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To tie up someone or something means to tie tht thing with hard chains,nd ropes...

Esp. to tie another person (a girl) up with some chains, string, ropes, in order to gain sexual pleasure from her.
A person with even can't move, relocate, turn around....
1.,Police tie up the man with chain, yesterday.
2.,Christian- Now I'm gonna tie u up so hard.
Ana- Thn, Wht'rew waitin for.
by Vab's Andy. May 21, 2020
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To make an unintentional reply to agree with somethin' or someone you might not know.
:Josh- I can pay 3 grands for this book.
:Joe- 3 grand, that it is.
by Vab's Andy. May 20, 2020
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