4 definitions by Useless Protogen

AKA Dark Forest, the place where "evil" cats who have died go; Starclan defines evil as anyone who doesn't believe in them (Christians, anyone?), kills because "A good warrior doesn't need to kill" (MY ASS), neglected a kit, being half blooded, etc, etc. Typically have an urge to destroy the clans; trained clan cats as to find a way into them easier. "Time passes weirdly." wounded cats never health past death. No prey anywhere, this leads to all cats typically being very skinny. Notable members and examples are Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, and Mapleshade.
No one has defined the formal name yet, Place of No Stars, so here I am.
by Useless Protogen July 12, 2022
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someone who sometimes has a fursona (maybe like a third of them), only SOMETIMES wears fursuits (maybe like a third of them) SOMETIMES is disrespectful, horny, autistic, and or gay... if you believe any of these stereotypes to be all true, kill yourself. you could've met me before but don't know if this is ME and call me a furry and snicker about it... you have no idea who i am because i am none of those things yet i AM a furry because i'm interested in the topic in humanoid, alien cats basically.
there was once a Furry War, there are no "winners", it depends on your opinion, i say we won.
by Useless Protogen March 18, 2022
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a fake nickname based off a you tuber given to someone who is so pale they reflect the sun.
oh, that nerd is a real Kevin, looking at him is making me go blind!
by Useless Protogen March 18, 2022
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A species resembling cyborgs; they are 60% biological and 40% robotic. They have visors capable of displaying countless emotions. Usually are trained during a simulation that happens before they are 'born;' they are getting time to adapt to their modifications after they are added. They were designed to pull a multitude of random jobs deemed too menial for their makers. Their limbs can be changed out because they're entirely modular. They were designed during project ARC: artificial remote control; there was later a surplus so they were abandoned after their job was done. At one point they rebelled and won; they gained control of themselves and had a wide variety of jobs to pick from.
To sum it all up, a pretty cool anthro species. I love them.
basically the whole protogen lore... or Urban Dictionary
by Useless Protogen May 13, 2022
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