375 definitions by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY

Foreplay; as made famous by the movie BeerFest.
Example # 1:
Jan Wolfhouse: Barry picked up a woman Are you sure you want to do this?
Barry Badrinath: Are you kidding? She's hot as hell! We're just going back to her place for a little slap n' pickle.
Example # 2
Alen: Hey Mike, let's go over to my place for a little slap and pickle... ;
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY March 15, 2007
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A modern couple who prefer to enjoy life a bit before having kids. Usually the couple will be seen as "careless" with money - when in fact they're just harmlessly spending the money they have saved by not having kids early in life.

"Double Income No Kids Yuppie"

Seen as derogatory term by over-jealous idiots that decide to have kids at 16 and therefore have lost the majority of their youth to dirty nappies and child benefit.

Little do they realise that most DINKYs settle down at 30 and have kids - so they get the best of both worlds. In fact most DINKYs by this point have been able to save some of their extra cash to support the child when it finally comes...giving the child a better chance at life.
"I see the dinkys next door have bought themselves a new 42" plasma screen tv. Its disgusting I tell ya. They don't know what they're missing."


"How can you possibly afford that amazing school for kids??"
"oh simple really, we were DINKYs until about 3 years ago, so we were able to put some money aside as well as enjoying ourselves...we have enough left over to get them into a decent college when they're old enough too"
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY November 19, 2005
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The flabby, tricep area that waves more than your arm when in motion.
When Kelly's favorite song came on, she got really excited while dancing and her flarms almost knocked me out.
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY February 27, 2012
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An image of a camel's hoof caused by pants which fit so tightly as to expose the labia major through the fabric. While this is a fairly commonly known phenomenon, what most men do NOT know is that a Camel Toe can produce a tiny orgasm when I a woman attempts to walk whilst wearing such tight pants.
"I bought this really tight pair of jeans the other day and when I was walking to the bus, the Camel Toe gave me a cute little orgasm!"
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY January 10, 2004
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' will you just shut up and fry those sausages'

by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY February 28, 2005
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A nice, awesome, extremely popular dude. Who controls everything. Owns everything. Everyone gives him everything. He's awesome. Simply awesome.

Taha is a geed killing warrior. Ruthless and brave.
John: Did you see Joe the other day?
Sam: No, what was he doing?

John: Tearing that geed village apart.

Sam: What a Taha!
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY October 13, 2011
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Short for faggot, commonly used in IRC
Fk u gay ass fgt fk.
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY October 30, 2002
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