3 definitions by UnseenRat

A shithole full of inbred smack heads who will have 6 or more fingers on one hand. (6 at least and can be more). The same goes for their toes.

As well as the people ( not really classified as people ) Burnley is full of shit. There is a football club there that can’t play and get battered everywhere they go.

Drugs are legal in Burnley as everyone needs them to live as they are completely addicted.
Ryan moorhouse: have you ever been to Burnley?
Daniel holt: no wouldn’t be alive
by UnseenRat April 21, 2022
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To describe something that is utterly cool or crazyly cool.
Person 1: He’s so swagadoogy

Person 2: I know righy
by UnseenRat December 11, 2022
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Someone who has very good game with women or men.
Could be used as the nigazler as a nickname
John: nigazler
Peter: yes
by UnseenRat December 11, 2022
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