28 definitions by Unkown
by Unkown October 2, 2004
by Unkown January 18, 2003
1. teacher who burninates the students; burninates the TAKS test.
2. any person who can be described as Ghetto Scoggulous.
Synonyms:Scoggs,Oh Great One of the Carts, Keeper of the Keys, Scoggtastic, Scogginator, Lord of the Dance, "the fat lady" (when reffuring to keeping the fat lady from her taco salad). Opossum Proctologist,
2. any person who can be described as Ghetto Scoggulous.
Synonyms:Scoggs,Oh Great One of the Carts, Keeper of the Keys, Scoggtastic, Scogginator, Lord of the Dance, "the fat lady" (when reffuring to keeping the fat lady from her taco salad). Opossum Proctologist,
by Unkown May 19, 2004
A tool cops use to handcuff criminal or a sex tool where the partner is handcuffed down for the other partners pleasure!!!
by Unkown November 17, 2002
by Unkown March 10, 2004
A sex lotion you rub into someones skin that you can lick afterwards for it comes in different flavors
by Unkown January 19, 2003