11 definitions by Treg

To keep something very secret; not tell another person
Alright, I'll tell you but keep it on the down low...
by Treg November 1, 2003
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Let's call our team the 'Wolverines'!!!
by Treg November 17, 2003
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When a female puts paper/tissue/etc into her bra. This results in making her breast seem larger, thus attracting males.
That bitch Leah went home to stuff her bra.
by Treg September 3, 2003
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A cult that dosn't end with suicide.
Hey Timothy, wanna join my new cul-I mean religion?
by Treg August 28, 2003
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The best super-heroes ever. Consisting of three cats who love pizza, live in Japan and are samurai's.
Who do you call when you want some pepperoni? SAMURAI PIZZA CATS!
by Treg August 2, 2003
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A site that needs to be made.
Man, I wish urbanThesaurus.com got invented.
by Treg October 30, 2003
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A great movie where Ernest finally gets LIGHTNING POWERS
I likeed 'Ernest Goes To Jail'
by Treg April 19, 2005
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